1. Customers can cancel the order before it is shipped and will be provided a full refund of the amount paid to us within a span of 15 working days.
  2. In case of prepaid order, a customer must make a request for the refund of the amount prior to cancellation of order. The request will be taken care of and a refund will be initiated within next 15 working days after the request is made.
  3. In case of return of any product by the customer, the refund will be brought to effect only after an inspection of the packaging safety seal and product.
  4. Any dispute arising shall be resolved after mutual understanding & conversation with the customer and all the participating bodies. 

  • Price adjustment- If the product is not returned in its original condition, the customer shall be liable for any loss or no value condition on the total value.
  • Customer should be responsible for any cost or liabilities recurring on return, shipping and insurance.

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